Tuesday 3 May 2011

Nada Sawaya Clutches

Today I dream of Nada Sawaya's clutch bags.

Nada was born and raised in Lebanon; she then lived in Europe and the US to complete her studies. Her style blends luxury brands with the latest street wear to create a polished, chic and playful look.

She gets inspiration from her Middle Eastern roots influenced by European taste. Her clutches are infused with unique details and they are made of some unusual materials like wood, shell or metal.

I really like the simple geometric shapes and colour combinations!

 Photos from Nadasawaya.com

Clutch onto these!


  1. very niceeee :) i like it :)

  2. o ranyy są cudowne, tak surowe w formie a zarazem takie świetne!

  3. oh my word, these are gorgeous! thanks for sharing... I'm totally in love with these. Following you now!
