The clothes Akris creates are modern, feminine but also elegant and simple - that's what I appreciate in fashion the most. Simple cuts, good quality, flattering fabrics and clear shapes are fundamental basics of all Akris collections.
I'll start with the Fall/Winter 2011 collection - it's classic and minimalistic. I love the colours - milk and dark chocolate, gray, brick red and cream. The designer - Albert Kriemler - created a line full of beautiful cashmere sweaters, suede shirts, knee-length skirts and leather jackets.
That's exactly what I want to wear this fall!

Photos from
I realised that I didn't write about the Spring/Summer 2011 Akris collection and I really liked it so I've decided to show you some of my favourite looks from it.
Which Akris collection is your favourite?
Which Akris collection is your favourite?

Photos from
Autumn elegance :)
Zdecydowanie Spring - idealne kolory i fasony dla mnie - uwielbiam prostotę, ale latem mam ochotę trochę zaszaleć z kolorem:)
ReplyDeleteSpring! Ostatnia sukienka..ach! Lubię te kolekcje, które wyłapujesz :) A ten nadruk drzew z jesiennej kojarzy mi się z Solarem, oni czasem mają podobne rzeczy u siebie ;)
ReplyDeleteNo to ja też Spring (ta mała pistacjowa wygląda super!), ale...z jesieni strasznie podobają mi się te drzewiaste printy! To wygląda totalnie zjawiskowo, wow!