Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tati Cotliar in Vogue UK February 2012

Today, I dream about this interesting editorial photographed by Raymond Meier and styled by Charlotte Pilcher, starring the adorable Tati Cotliar.

The editorial is entitled 'I Am a Camera' and tells the story of a front-row fashion blogger in the hotel, getting ready to see the Parisian shows.

As much as it's nice to see appreciation and acknowledgement of the existence of fashion bloggers in the hermetic world of high fashion, I'm pretty sure that it may include a cheeky satirical wink to infer that us bloggers blindly follow the latest trends, no matter what... :)

Photos from

Blogging's in vogue ;)


  1. Hmm, nie miałabym nic przeciwko, żeby kilka z powyższych ubrań/dodatków pojawiło się w mojej walizce:)

  2. Ha! Kupiłam sobie Brytyjskiego Vogue'a i muszę przyznać, że ta sesja od razu wpadła mi w oko:) Fajny edytorial.
