The house is owned by Tina Seidenfaden Busck and Pernille Hornhaver, founders of offering interior design and art consulting.
They use the house to exhibit their pieces. As Tina and Pernille say - "The Apartment is a new universe of design objects, furniture, antiques and art. Innovative modern design meets the unparallelled craft of traditional furniture making, showcased in the elegant setting of an apartment in Christianshavn, in the heart of Copenhagen, handsomely restored by the founders."
I am a big fan of lofts and this one is just perfect! White walls and a black floor make a great background to exhibit all those colourful pieces like that beautiful blush pink chaise longue and the printed rugs. The thing I like the most here though is the faux 'wall' suspended in mid-air from the ceiling beams. It's a great idea for all small places as it creates a lot more hanging space which would make a great focal point to exhibit all of your favourite prints.
I wish we could have a better glimpse of the bedroom but I'm sure from looking at the rest of the space and considering the talented owners that it's equally beautiful!

Photos from
Putting the 'art' in 'apartment' :)
Genialna "oddzielająca" ściana - pomysł zdecydowanie do skopiowania! A regał z książkami - zazdrość ;-)! Ciekawe czy kiedyś mi się uda taki zapełnić...
ReplyDeleteMi tez najbardziej spodobala sie sciana - swietne rozwiazanie w malych mieszkaniach! Wydawalo mi sie, ze mam duzo ksiazek ale jak patrze na ten regal to tez zadroszcze :)
ReplyDeletePiękne! Ściana z obrazkami i ściana z książkami - wow :)
ReplyDeleteBardzo praktyczny i efektowny pomysł z tą ścianą :)