Friday 29 June 2012

Caroline Andrieu's Illustrations

Today I dream about Caroline Andrieu's beautiful illustrations.

Caroline graduated from the French school of the Atelier de Sèvres and EPSAA and currently works as the art director of Condé Nast digital (France) for its Vogue & GQ websites.

Caroline's works were features in magazines such as: Vanidad, SoChic, Vogue and Glamour and she has worked for Chanel, Clarins and Sephora as well as regularly contributing to Diesel Fragrance Factory.

I love her drawings for how realistic they look and for her amazing attention to detail. Make sure to check out Caroline's blog called Tight-sweater for lots of inspiration!

Photos from

Fine Lines :)


  1. Te w kolorze są obłędne!! To futerkowe..mmm, akurat nad łóżko ;)

  2. These are really amazing, so beautiful.

  3. very realistic indeed, amazing work
    no wonder her career progresses so fast

  4. Good day
    I have been previously looking for something such as this for a time now. Finally something to be grateful for, thanks!
